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The Pain Dealers' Rules

The Pain Dealers' Rules

! As a member or applicant of The Pain Dealers You should follow these rules.
! Rules can only be changed by Director.
! If a member doesnt follow these rules, He(She) is being warned and then kicked from the organization.
! If a member finds someone not following rules, He(She) must report to Board Member or Director.

1. Recruitment.

1.1. Player can apply to The Pain Dealers if he is
-level 205+
-has no active clan or neutral toons
-isn't a member of any other organization at the moment
-has no ongoing issues or problems with the members of TPD
1.2. Applicants are not allowed to be in any other organization on any of their toon.
1.3. After applicant passes interview, he(she) gets invited to org and grants Applicant rank (the start of trial period).
1.4. Trial lasts One week.
1.5. After trial recruitment officer starts the vote on applicant.
1.6. The vote can be no longer than 48 hours.
1.7. Applicants will get Member status after trial Only if there is no "No" votes.
1.8. If there is one (or more) "No" vote(s), Applicant gets kicked from organization.
1.9. If there are 30% or more "Neutral" votes, poll is being delayed for two weeks.
1.10. If second vote ends with 30% or more "Neutral" votes, applicant gets kicked from organization.
1.11. Every organization member should report to recruitment officer if there are any issues with applicants while on trial.
1.12. Applicants can be kicked from organization by recruitment officer or director w/o explaining reasons.
1.13. Denied applicants can be reviewed in 6 months after they got kicked.

2. Notum wars.

2.1. Members of The Pain Dealers must listen and follow commands of Executive and higher ranks according to Notum Wars (leadership decides if you Have to go to a tower battle going at the moment)
2.2. Members of The Pain Dealers are not allowed to start attack on any Tower Site unless Board member or Director told so.
2.3. Members of The Pain Dealers HAVE TO attend Every tl7 tower battle. (see 2.4)
2.4. Members must go to 100% of tl7 tower battles announced by WARBOT/LINKNET.
2.5. If you are online, you HAVE TO join pvpnet (or any other bot for the tl7 NW) and go to the rally spot, while tl7 offence/defence going on.
2.6. Attacking OMNI towers is strictly forbidden (Unless the organization is publicly recognized as CLAN aligned).
2.7. Those who didnt follow the rules above, will be demoted without warning (applicants will be kicked immediately).
2.8. Members are not allowed to plant any towers unless told so by Executives (or higher).
2.9. Every member can plant up to 2 (yes two at all, counting alts) Conductors at 300 field if there is any.
2.10. Every member has to plant a ql 300 turrets at 300 site if he has 1800 comp lit skill, when told so by BM.

3. PvP events.

3.1. Members must follow commands of higher rank.
3.2. Members must take a part in at least 50% of the PvP events announced by Executive. (BS doesnt count as pvp event here)
3.3. Members are NOT allowed to gank (kill) any omni player (even if you have a personal issue), unless he attacks You first.

4. Alien raids and loot system.

4.1. DO NOT drop cloak and start/announce city alien raids while there is tl7 pvp action going on in pvpnet, aka tl7 defence/offence. Whoever doesnt follow this, is being demoted to Member rank w/o warning.
4.2. Nobody can announce and/or host "farm" raids in The Pain Dealers city.
4.3. Every raid must be announced by raid leader 10 minutes before dropping cloak.
4.4. Raid leader is responsible for raising the cloak after it's rezzed.
4.5. Every member or applicant is allowed to join The Pain Dealers' alien raids.
4.6. Every raider follows commands of the raid leader.
4.7. Every raider should join the guild raid bot (Painraid) when the raid is announced to start.
4.8. Every raider should have at least 50% of CRU with him if he wants to be in raid. (If not. He might be excluded from rolls on loot.)
4.9. Every raider might be asked to charge his part of CRU for the raid. You can only be asked to charge CRU once in two raids You are comming to.
4.10. All Boss loot is flatrolled between organization members (Applicants cant roll on anything, unless no1 else need it).
4.11. In order to roll for ground gen loot you must be present on wave 2 through 8 (if the raid was properly announced 10 minutes before start, otherwise bots are rolled between whoever made it to gen corpse).
4.12. You can not roll for more items of the current class per raid if you win the item. (classes aka: Lead Viralbots; HUD/Utils; Weapons; Memories etc.)

5. Other raids and events.

5.1. On every raid Members must follow higher rank commands.
5.2. Every item is flatrolled between raiders.
5.3. You can not roll on item that you can not use.

6. Public events.

6.1. Members of The Pain Dealers should follow commands of raid leaders on public bots.
6.2. Members of The Pain Dealers must do their best on public raids.
6.3. Members of The Pain Dealers are Not required to go to Any of public raids unless told so by Board member.

7. Chat.

7.1. Members can not post the guild chat or forums discussions to anyone outside the organization. (That also means members cant inform applicants about their vote status)
7.2. It is NOT allowed to make drama or spam in the guild channel or guild bot. Please take it to private tells.
7.3. Members must speak English in guild chat and bot.

8. Account sharing, farm orgs.

8.1. Members of The Pain Dealers are not allowed to share their accounts with a person outside of organization.
8.2. Members are not allowed to have any alts in other organizations unless it's their own AI farm city.

Edited By: Toxicman
Feb-03-13 19:01:16

You gotto learn how to die before you can actually learn how to kill © Atredivum

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Re: The Pain Dealers' Rules

Updated Alien raid rules.

You gotto learn how to die before you can actually learn how to kill © Atredivum

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Re: The Pain Dealers' Rules

Removed those since TRD city exploded :S

> 4.2.(a) 'Farm' raids can be done in TRD (The Rain Dealers) instanced city.
> 4.2.(b) TRD 'farm' raids must be announced 5 mins before start to decide the order if anyone else wants to raid.
> 4.2.(c) Person who already 'farmed' once loses priority on next 'farm'.

You gotto learn how to die before you can actually learn how to kill © Atredivum

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Re: The Pain Dealers' Rules

Added the following:

> 2.6. Attacking OMNI towers is strictly forbidden (Unless the organization is publicly recognized as CLAN aligned).

You gotto learn how to die before you can actually learn how to kill © Atredivum

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Re: The Pain Dealers' Rules

> 4.13. You can not sell any loot that You won on The Pain Dealers raids.

You gotto learn how to die before you can actually learn how to kill © Atredivum

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